Sep 29, 2015
The site for the new teaching block at Nelson College was on a sloping hill site which generally consisted of fill and was geotechnically challenging. An innovative light weight timber construction was proposed as it has benefits in reducing foundation requirements due to the light mass building.
Sep 29, 2015
The Maitai Satellite Unit is a purpose built facility for children with learning difficulties. The building accommodates the most up to date philosophies and practices in its design. It has a modern look with multiple surface finishes…
Sep 29, 2015
Tahunanui School Board of Trustees decided to invest in an upgrade of the school pool. The contract involved removing the existing pool and construction of the structural floor and walls along with surrounding landscaping and fencing. A new liner, pump and filter equipment were then installed…
Sep 29, 2015
This job involved the demolition of the old school hall built in the 1930’s. The new build incorporated a full sized rebuild of the hall, additions including dual administration areas, large scale offices, meeting rooms…
Sep 29, 2015
This complex project required us to insert 30 steel columns and 70 connecting beams into an existing two-storey timber building. The columns were up to 8.5m in length and sat on new concrete foundation beams that had to be dug and poured inside the building…
Sep 29, 2015
We were engaged as the Main Contractor for the delivery of both the three Chair Nayland and four Chair Henley Clinics as part of a district wide modernisation of Oral Health delivery. Coman Construction carried out the contract work within the specified construction period and to the satisfaction of the Project Manager…
Sep 29, 2015
This multipurpose facility was built to cater for the school’s needs and act as a hub for the Victory area community – home to Nelson’s most diverse multicultural population…
Sep 29, 2015
This extension to the existing gymnasium nearly trebled the size of the playing courts. In addition, the facility was brought into the modern age with an attractive façade and entrance, which led to a function room, mezzanine viewing…